
Our commitment to art and culture

We not only believe in art and culture, we deeply believe in the organizations that lead and manage cultural processes in the territories, that vibrate with art and its different manifestations, that find in human beings and their creativity paths to good living.

Within the lines of investment that we have in matters of institutional projection, culture is one of the most relevant, and this has to do with our history. In 1972, as part of a rescue, we received some works of art, since then we started with an art gallery that has not only grown in terms of works, but has been the impulse to deepen the support for art and culture from different sources. Today we have a cultural committee that since 1985 leads research and accompanies the growth of artists; we have scenarios for the training of audiences and the projection of artists; We carry out initiatives that connect art with Latin Americans and, from the SURA Foundation, we focus on promoting the development of capacities in cultural organizations and artists that favor the sustainable management of their activities.

We understand culture as a good for the economic and social development of the population, directly linked to the construction of citizenship and well-being. Diversity lives in art and culture, the voices of those present and those absent, identities are represented and new ones are built. With art and culture, conversations are generated in which the past, present and future of societies interact, the memory of a country is built as a starting point for the development of the territories.

Culture is in itself an act of coexistence, of relationship with the other and with the environment. The creative act is the trigger for new thoughts that invites us to understand, interpret and transform reality. Participating in the cultural environment in which the Company is immersed means acting in context.

As companies we must believe in the communicative power of art, as a place of public debate for the population. The company is called to enrich the cultural sector from the different dialogues and connections that it is able to promote, to ask questions and generate concrete bets that allow the sector its sustainability, growth and validation in society.

The company’s participation in the cultural debate contributes to placing culture on a more visible plane, in addition to promoting the guarantee of its universal access and its manifestations, to the defense of the rights of citizens to freedom of expression and The access to the information.

Link of interest:

Art collection

SURA has been building an art collection, which is currently considered one of the most representative in Latin America. It has 1,028 works as of 2020, including oil paintings on canvas, works on paper (watercolor, sanguine, pencil), sculptures, photography, and serigraphs, mainly.

The collection has been in different cultural scenarios in Panama, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia, through traveling exhibitions that collect the cultural ties between Latin American artists, ranging from the 19th century to the present.

Support for cultural events

Our support for art and culture is also evident in the multiple publications, concerts and events supported by our Companies, including the Latin American versions of the Hay Festival and the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Award and Festival.

From the SURA Foundation

In the line of Cultural Promotion, we promote opportunities for the development of capacities of cultural organizations and artists, as well as the institutional strengthening of the cultural sector; We lead initiatives that promote the exchange of knowledge and processes where training is a central axis, understanding that education and culture are areas that correspond.

Some figures
  • In the last 3 years, the Company invested COP 21,784 million, benefiting more than 1 million people and 497 organizations in Colombia.
  • More than 300 cultural organizations supported in Latin America each year.
  • More than 15 publications led by SURA, including: Suramericana 60 years of commitment to culture (2004), Masters of Colombian Popular Art (2010), Creative Language of Indigenous Ethnic Groups of Colombia (2012), Chiribiquete. The cosmic maloka of the jaguar men (2019), Inhabit complexity (2021), Inhabit a place in time (2021).

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