Juana Francisca Llano Cadavid

Since April 2020 Juana Francisca has led the strategic evolution of Suramericana and its Subsidiaries, in order to strengthen their portfolios of solutions aimed at both individuals and companies, by reaching outlying markets throughout the region where the traditional insurance industry has not as yet reached. 

She holds a degree in law from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín), where she also completed postgraduate studies in Financial and Business Law, as well as in Civil Liability and Insurance; she also completed the Advanced Management Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, United States). 

She has spent her entire professional career at Suramericana. In 2004, she began as a Business Analyst at Seguros SURA Colombia, and was  later promoted to Head of Wealth Management and Head of Corporate Business. In 2016, she took over as Suramericana’s Chief Insurance Officer, following the acquisition of RSA’s Latin American operations, a position from which she helped to consolidate the Company’s regional footprint. 

Juana Francisca is a member of the Board of Directors of the Seguros SURA companies in 7 different countries throughout the region and in 2024 she joined the Board of Directors of Grupo Argos, this company belonging to Grupo SURA’s investment portfolio.

Foto de Juana Francisca Llano Cadavid

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