More than 1,400 private individuals have become shareholders of Grupo SURA thanks to this year´s Commission-Free Day held in conjunction with the Trii app

  • Grupo SURA ended its Commission-Free Day with more than 3,800 transactions for its shares, the highest number ever recorded in a single trading day.
  • Our shares were acquired in 183 municipalities throughout the country, including San Gil (Santander), Buriticá (Antioquia) and Quibdó (Chocó).
  • These new shareholders represent a 10% increase in the total number of private individual investors who own the Company.

During the Issuer Week event featured on the Trii app, in which the Grupo SURA share was the main protagonist, important advances were made towards making share ownership more democratic. On the Commission-Free Day, held on Thursday, October 21, 3,819 transactions were carried out with regard to the Company's shares through the aforementioned app. This was the highest number of Grupo SURA shares, both ordinary and preferential, traded in a single day  in recent stock market history.

During the Commission-Free Day alone, the Organization gained more than 1,400 private individual shareholders, who have now become owners of the Organization mainly through Trii. This represents a 10% increase in the number of private individual shareholders of Grupo SURA, in addition to being an important step forward in stock market inclusion in Colombia.

“We warmly welcome more than 1,400 new shareholders who have placed their trust in Grupo SURA as an investment opportunity. The total number of trades and the amount of people participating in all those events where they were able to get to know the Company a little better only go to confirm that, as issuers, we must continue to promote this type of initiative so as to continue expanding access to the capital markets for more and more people ”, stated  Grupo SURA’s Investor Relations team  led by Carlos González and Daniel Mesa.

Throughout the Issuer Week, more than 6,500 people logged on to the different educational slots. Furthermore, during the Commission-Free Day, trades were recorded originating in 183 different municipalities throughout the country, including Quibdó, Turbaco, Pitalito, San Gil, Buriticá and Riohacha. On the other hand, the bulk of these corresponded to the 20-39 age group, who carried out 1,429 of the total transactions recorded.

Finally, Carlos Guayara, co-founder of Trii, indicated: "At Trii we consider Issuer Week as a dream fulfilled. Nation-building through the Colombian Stock Exchange meant working hand in hand with all the institutions involved, and it is incredible to see how companies as important as Grupo SURA have not only welcomed us but have also joined up with this educational initiative. This invitation is open to all issuers and we are proud to see how more and more companies are contacting us in order to participate in this initiative. Expect many more issuer weeks to come and with incredible surprises".