SURA reaches out to the Uruguayan agricultural sector with new business proposals
Once again SURA Asset Management Uruguay took part in Expoactiva Nacional, a trade fair held in Soriano with the participation of both agricultural companies and individual producers, this being an excellent opportunity for increasing awareness of the multiple savings and investment opportunities available today for the Uruguayan agricultural sector.
The economist Gonzalo Falcone, Chief Executive Officer of SURA Asset Management Uruguay, inaugurated the Company's stand with a short welcoming speech in which he highlighted the different products that SURA offers, particularly its investment funds, and discussed their benefits in the current economic climate .
"We firmly believe in the potential of linking up financial institutions with members of the country´s production chain in encouraging greater development within Uruguay. We have a lot to give to the productive sectors, which is why since 2013 we have been drawing up different savings and investment options on a nationwide level allowing Uruguayans make their different projects a reality" he said.
Falcone was accompanied by Gerardo Ameigenda, AFISA SURA's Chief Product and Investment Officer, along with other members of the Company's senior management team.
At the Expoactiva trade fair, visitors who approached the SURA stand, located opposite the food court, were able to clear up any doubts they had with regard to savings and investment issues, as well as receive sound advice as to their own needs.
About SURA Asset Management
SURA Asset Management is a Latin American Pension, Savings and Investment Fund Management firm in Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and El Salvador. Besides being a subsidiary of Grupo SURA, the Company has five minority shareholders, namely, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group, Grupo Bolívar, Bancolombia, the International Equity Firm, General Atlantic, and Grupo Wiese. At year-end 2015, it held a total of USD 103.1 billion in assets under management belonging to its 17.3 million clients.
* Client and AUM data includes AFP Protection in Colombia and AFP Crecer in El Salvador, where SURA AM holds a significant but not a controlling stake.