Suramericana acquires the life insurance business formerly belonging to SURA Asset Management in Mexico

​​ ​​• This transaction was carried out between Grupo SURA`s two main subsidiaries, Suramericana, its specialized insurance and trend/risk management arm, and SURA Asset Management, its pension, savings and investment management firm.  • By placing each line of business in the capable hands of each specialized company, we shall be able to take advantage of the full potential that each business has to offer while strengthening the strategies of each individual subsidiary. •​ Suramericana (Seguros SURA), with 73 years of experience in the insurance industry, shall be extending its portfolio to cover the aforementioned insurance interests held in Mexico. ​   November 15, 2017 As part of its strategy aimed at optimizing its portfolio, Grupo SURA has announced that a transaction has been carried out between its two main subsidiaries, whereby the life insurance business handled by Sura Asset Management in Mexico is to be purchased by Suramericana, a specialized insurance and trend/risk management company, thus supplementing its portfolio in this part of the world. This comes after analyzing the specific conditions of the Mexican insurance operation and deciding that Grupo SURA´s best interests would be served by transferring its insurance business to its specialized insurance arm with more than 70 years of experience in this field, thus allowing SURA Asset Management to focus its efforts and resources more on its core business in the pension, savings and investment management industry. At the same time, both subsidiaries shall continue with their common purpose of harnessing the synergies existing with their complementary lines of business thus enhancing their value-added offerings. In this regard, David Bojanini, Grupo SURA's Chief Executive Officer stated: "By placing each line of business in the capable hands of each specialized company we shall be able to take advantage of the full potential that each business has to offer both in terms of efficiencies and growth opportunities. This move is consistent with our organizational strategy aimed at optimizing our investment portfolio". This transaction is worth USD 20.6 billion and carries a multiple of 1.36 x P/BV and was based on the exchange rate and equity recorded at the end of Q1, 2017. The SBI Investment Banking firm assisted with appraising the Mexican insurance firm providing all the technical and financial support in compliance with the Group`s corporate governance standards. Seguros SURA in México Suramericana made its debut on the Mexican Insurance market back in 2016, with Seguros SURA. This move formed part of its regional expansion which now covers 9 Latin American countries. Its current strategy is aimed at ensuring the welfare, competitiveness and sustainability of its clients, through its sound trend and risk management services thus allowing them to anticipate risk exposure and capitalize on the opportunities to be found.  Once approval has been issued by the Mexican regulators, Seguros SURA in Mexico shall have a total of 200 thousand clients and an annual production of USD 200 million in premiums. The Company already has a total of 14.6 million clients in Latin America and USD 4.4 billion in premiums for its operations, to the end of 2016.   Gonzalo Alberto Pérez, Suramericana`s Chief Executive Officer stated that   "this transaction shall allow us to complement our insurance offering in Mexico with life insurance which after all lies at the heart of the know-how we have built up over the years." We are diversifying our portfolio, extending our client base and reaching out to new segments, in terms of both private individuals and families. All this is strengthening our competitive standing in this part of the world, while furthering our business strategy and taking advantage of the growth potential that the Mexican insurance market has to offer". On the other hand, Ignacio Calle, Chief Executive Officer of SURA Asset Management, which currently boasts 19.1 million clients throughout Latin America representing USD 131.9 billion in Assets Under Management, stated: "Our current strategy requires us to concentrate our efforts on our core savings and investment business, where our fundamental expertise lies, so as to be able to take full advantage of the great potential this has to offer both in terms of private individuals as well as the corporate community. We are also making great strides with innovation and are fully engaged with our digital transformation, among other new projects, so as to extend our ability to attend our clients". Finally, it was announced while the corresponding approvals are obtained and the actual handover and integration process is completed, SURA Asset Management's insurance clients in Mexico shall continue to be attended through the very same channels and based on the same standards of customer care. Once Seguros SURA takes over, our Mexican clients shall be provided with a whole new experience in terms of the entire range of SURA insurance solutions supplemented by the advantages of its trend and risk management model, which is a total new approach in the insurance industry.   About Grupo SURA Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana, the parent company of the Sura Business Group is a Latin American company listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange and registered with the ADR- Level 1 program in the United States. We are also the only company from the Latin American Diversified Financial Service Sector to be admitted to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, which lists companies who have become global benchmarks thanks to the best practices they have adopted from the economic, environmental and social standpoints. GRUPO SURA has two fields of investment: its core strategic interests in the financial service, insurance, pension, savings and investment sectors, and its industrial interests in the processed food, cement, energy and infrastructure sectors.   About Suramericana With over 72 years of experience, Suramericana S.A. is the leading insurance and trend/risk management company. It is a subsidiary of Grupo SURA (81.1%) and has the backing, as a shareholder, of the German ​​reinsurer Munich Re (18.9%). The Company presents itself to clients with the SURA brand, which has a portfolio of insurance solutions and trend and risk management. Suramericana today completes operations in 9 countries in Latin America (Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Panama, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador), reaching a total of 14.6 million customers.   About SURA Asset Management SURA Asset Management is a subsidiary of Grupo SURA, a specialized pension, savings and investment management firm, with a presence spanning Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, El Salvador and Uruguay. At the end of Q3 2017 SURA Asset Management held a total of USD 131.9 billion in assets under management belonging to 19.1 million clients. * Client and AUM data includes AFP Protection in Colombia and AFP Crecer in El Salvador, where SURA AM holds a significant but not a controlling stake.