

Our strategy for dialogue with the different interest groups seeks to promote transparency and effective dialogue to build relationships of trust.

We understand that business activity is based on managing relationships with actors who are key to achieving the objectives of the Organization and for its survival. For this reason, our objective is that these relationships develop in such a way that they are long-term, and they will be so to the extent that we take into account their interests to identify relevant aspects to consider in business management.

The management axes that guide communication in our relationships are:

  • Inform: provide more and better information about what we are and what we do.
  • Educate: build knowledge and enhance two-way educational processes based on good practices.
  • Feedback: create spaces for dialogue to provide feedback for the Company’s management and stakeholders, with a continuous improvement outlook.
  • Position: position the Company in key moments and settings.

The company is currently developing specific relationship actions for each stakeholder group.

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