SURA Foundation

Grupo SURA and its subsidiaries channel an important part of their social investment contributions through the SURA Foundation, an entity created in 1971 in Colombia, and in 2017 in Chile and Mexico, with the purpose of contributing to the development of capacities and the well-being of communities in various Latin American countries.

Our purpose

Create welfare and sustainable development through the strengthening of capacities that improve educational, civic and cultural conditions as axes of social transformation in Latin America.

During our 50 years, we have valued the learning built with others and the knowledge applied to social management, as it has allowed us to develop relevant actions that respond to the dynamics of the environment, in accordance with the reality in which we find ourselves.

Pillars of our social management
We seek to consolidate our long-term commitment to grow with our stakeholders and respond to the transformations of the territories through:

  • Knowledge applied to social management
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Connection with collaborators
  • Communicate to create meaning
  • Management of financial resources and patrimonial solidity

Social investment lines in Latin America
According to the contexts and needs of the territories, the SURA Foundation has focused its social investment strategy on the following lines:

Quality of Education

We want to promote and lead meaningful learning processes, in which fundamental attitudes and skills are developed for the continuous growth of each person, and which will be enhanced during the rest of their lives. Our commitment is to strengthen the being, from its integrality, and the search for possibilities that allow us to strengthen knowing and doing.

Talking about quality of education implies an articulation between the cognitive, the social and the emotional; For this reason, we promote scenarios and experiences that are configured as spaces where coexistence, sexuality and life skills take place, being determining factors for learning to discipline, but also for learning to live.

We understand that education is a process in which dialogues of trust are established where everyone adds up, based on equal relationships.

We conceive this line under three approaches:
1. Incidence and territorial articulation. Speaking and acting from the territorial point of view means broadening the view on the multiple dimensions represented by the actors and the context, with three specific views: contributing to the development of capacities in educational settings, raising conversations on issues of interest in educational quality and influence the dynamics and public policies.

2. Educational scenarios. We accompany different initiatives that enable meeting spaces, dialogues and reflections, that generate experiences and mobilize knowledge for the construction of individual and social identity. We value initiatives that integrate learning with meaning and throughout life, and there we refer to the fact that training processes transcend the classroom, which allow educational success thanks to the development and support provided by teachers and educational agents.

3. Program for access to higher education. We promote opportunities for access to higher education, timely and pertinent, that favor the development of autonomy in students and the creation of value in the territories.

Main initiatives of this line:
Félix and Susana • Program for access to higher education • Alliance for Rural Education in Antioquia -ERA • Alliance with REDUCA • Entrepreneurs for education • Alliances for the improvement of education

Cultural promotion

Since its inception, the SURA Foundation has shared with the organization that gave rise to it, Suramericana de Seguros, a genuine vocation for the conservation of settings for art, the promotion of access and training processes in the different artistic manifestations and the preservation of knowledge that is built with art.

We recognize that culture is an asset for the economic and social development of the population, directly linked to the construction of citizenship and well-being. Culture is in itself an act of coexistence, of relationship with the other and with the environment.

From the Cultural Promotion line we focus on promoting the development of capacities in cultural organizations and artists, which favor the sustainable management of their activities, as well as the institutional strengthening of the cultural sector. We lead initiatives that promote the exchange of knowledge and processes where training is a central axis, understanding that education and culture are areas that correspond.

Our strategy: Cohabit in art and culture
Cohabiting in art and culture contemplates processes of mentoring, internships, meetings and documentation of cultural initiatives, proposals that arise from conversations with cultural actors and from the changing reading of the environment. Through this strategy we make tangible our commitment to knowledge management to strengthen the institutional framework.

We conceive this line from three approaches:
1. Cultural undertakings. We support actions aimed at the sustainability of artistic practices and cultural organizations, qualifying both the creative process and the technical conditions, and the management of companies in the sector, to preserve artistic knowledge.

2. Appropriation of culture. We promote the exercises that are given in the community and that are born voluntarily in cultural organizations. Initiatives connected to pedagogical and training processes, in which the visions of the territories are transformed and the perspective of the entities that lead them is modified.

3. Custodians of the estate. We recognize the role of cultural organizations in the territories, as mediators of the relationship between art and its public, as well as their responsibility to ensure its conservation. We strengthen the institutionality and sustainability of the cultural sector, connecting similar purposes, ideas, people, knowledge and companies.

Main initiatives of this line:
Exploring Heritage • Cundinamarca Residencies • Selva de Letras Project • Music Lab, management for digital transformation • Support for the institutional strengthening of 39 cultural organizations in Colombia.

Citizenship and democratic

From the SURA Foundation we seek to strengthen democratic processes and the social fabric, which allow us to understand the political phenomena of the countries, through the leadership of initiatives and the support of think tanks and social organizations dedicated to the generation of knowledge, the appropriation and citizen mobilization and public advocacy.

We conceive this line under three approaches:
1. Support for think tanks and organizations that build citizenship and democracy. We promote knowledge and the generation of ideas that stimulate public debate and address issues of common interest with a view to influencing public dynamics and maximizing the possibilities of well-being for society. Our participation in these initiatives is under the principle of intellectual independence.

2. Development of own projects or in alliance. We participate in projects aimed at strengthening collective and individual capacities that contribute to the generation of bonds of trust, the recognition of the other from diversity, the construction of development scenarios, coexistence, peace and reconciliation.

3. Mobilization of conversations with formative intention. We lead conversations based on equity and inclusion, seeking the multiplicity of positions, which favor the generation of critical thinking, empathetic relationships and the development of autonomy for a free and conscious citizen exercise.

Main initiative of this line:
Citizen Log Program • Solutions Alliance • Support for 16 think tanks

Corporative volunteering

Through corporate volunteering, employees and their families share time, knowledge and talent with each other and with different communities. Volunteering is an alternative to collective participation that allows us to understand reality, be part of its evolution and generate knowledge from it.

In a volunteer experience many things happen: the volunteers and the people around them ask questions, generate reflections, learn; communities come together around the experience; the company changes when the sum of the volunteers transforms the imaginary of the organization through the development of skills of being and doing, a sense of belonging is created and knowledge is appropriated for the business community and society.

We develop volunteering through the following initiatives:

Sumando Voluntades. Simultaneous conference in Latin America
Tiempos. Continuous accompaniment to communities
Un día para. Activities for a day
Vamos SURA. Community immersion day
Solidarity Funds. Economic contributions

Participation in our Corporate Volunteering program:

  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Volunteer collaborators 2,577 3,698 5,733 5,200 3,970 1,865

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