Amendment to a Material Agreement which was previously announced to the market

Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A. (Grupo SURA) hereby announces that today it agreed to an amendment to the Spin-Off Agreement signed last Wednesday, December 18, in order to bind the company Cementos Argos to said Transaction (as described in the Relevant Information published on December 18), in terms similar to those initially agreed upon by both Grupo Argos and Grupo SURA.

As a result, Cementos Argos shall spin-off its investment in Grupo SURA in favor of Grupo SURA and, subsequently, Grupo SURA shall issue ordinary and preferred shares to the shareholders of Cementos Argos, this in proportion to the stakes these hold in the latter Company at the time this spin-off is carried out. After completing this transaction, the reciprocal spin-offs between Grupo SURA and Grupo Argos shall be carried out.

It is important to note that binding Cementos Argos to this Spin-Off Agreement does not modify any of the conditions previously announced regarding this Transaction, since, as stated in the Relevant Information published on December 18, the figures, ratios and conditions disclosed on said date took into account  the disposal  of the stake held by the aforementioned Company in Grupo SURA.

This transaction is subject to the corresponding corporate and regulatory approvals.