Grupo SURA’s General Assembly of Shareholders appointed a new Board of Directors for the period January – March 2024

On Tuesday January 16, after resuming an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting that began last Thursday, January 11, the Shareholders appointed a new Board of Directors for the period January 16 to March of this year.

This meeting was held from 6:30 a.m. at the SURA Auditorium in Medellin, and the appointments were made with a quorum of 96.57% of the ordinary shares therein represented.

The Shareholders appointed as independent members Jaime Arrubla Paucar, who had been serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors, and María Ximena Lombana Villalba. Juan Constantino Martínez Bravo, who succeeded Guillermo Villegas Ortega as an independent member, joined the Board.

As for the equity members, the Shareholders' decided to appoint Jorge Mario Velásquez, CEO of Grupo Argos, and Jaime Gilinski Bacal, which means that David Yanovich Wancier and Ángela María Tafur Domínguez ceased to be members. The Shareholders maintained Jaime Alberto Velásquez Botero and Gabriel Gilinski Kardonski as equity members.

Consequently, the new Board of Directors shall continue to be comprised of the following members:

Independent Members:

  • Jaime Arrubla Paucar.


  • Maria Ximena Lombana Villalba.


  • Juan Constantino Martínez Bravo.



Equity Members:

  • Jorge Mario Velásquez Jaramillo.


  • Jaime Gilinski Bacal.


  • Jaime Velásquez Botero.


  • Gabriel Gilinski Kardonski.