Notice of Annual Shareholders´ Meeting
In compliance with current reporting requirements, Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A. hereby announces that yesterday it published a notice in the newspapers, El Tiempo and El Colombiano inviting its Shareholders to an Annual Ordinary Meeting.
Next, transcription of the notice (free translation from the original publication, in Spanish).
Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A. hereby summons the holders of the corporation’s ordinary and preferred dividend shares to the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting, which will be held on the date, place and time listed below:
Friday, March 31st, 2017 10:00 a.m.
Grand Hall Plaza Mayor Calle 41 No. 55-80 Medellín
The Agenda below shall be submitted to the Assembly’s consideration:
1. Quorums verification.
2. Appointment of the commission to approve the minute.
3. Management Report from the Board of Directors and the President.
4. Presentation of Financial Statements as of December 31, 2016.
5. External Auditor’s Report.
6. Approval of the Management Report from the Board of Directors and the President.
7. Approval of Financial Statements as of December 31, 2016.
8. Approval of the External Auditor’s Report.
9. Update of the Preferred Dividend Shares’ Issuance and Placement Regulation (Reglamento de Emisión y Colocación de Acciones) issued on October 2011 and of the Profit Distribution Project.
9.1 Update of the Preferred Dividend Shares’ Issuance and Placement Regulation (Reglamento de Emisión y Colocación de Acciones) issued on October 2011.
9.2 Profit Distribution Project – Payment of dividends by means of Preferred Dividend Shares (payment option in cash, at the Shareholder’s choice)
10. Approval of fees for the Board of Directors.
11. Approval of fees for the External Auditor.
To exercise the right of inspection, the documents ordered by the Law will be made available to the Shareholders as of March 7, 2017, at the General Secretary Office of the corporation, at Carrera 43A No. 5A-113, 13th floor, One Plaza Business Center building in Medellin.
All Shareholders which cannot attend this meeting in person may be represented by a proxy duly filled out. Proxies are not to be conferred to persons directly or indirectly tied to the Corporation’s top management or employees. The foregoing meets the provisions set forth in Part III, Title I, Chapter VI of the External Circular 029 of 2014, issued by the Financial Superintendence (Superintendancia Financiera) of Colombia.
Medellín, February 5th, 2017