Announcements published by the Company

Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A. (Grupo SURA) hereby announces the decision communicated to the market yesterday by Grupo Bolivar S.A. regarding its investment in Sura Asset Management S.A., a subsidiary of Grupo SURA:

  • As is public knowledge, in 2011 Grupo SURA entered into an investor agreement with Sociedades Bolivar S.A. and Seguros Bolivar S.A. (Grupo Bolivar S.A.), that regulated the terms and conditions for acquiring a stake in Sura Asset Management S.A.
  • Yesterday, through the relevant information channel hosted by the Colombian Superintendency of Finance, Grupo Bolivar S.A. announced a decision adopted by its Board of Directors to begin divesting its stake in Sura Asset Management S.A.
  • The terms and conditions to be followed for its disposal are regulated in the corresponding exit contract, which can be consulted on our website, via the following link: Contrato Bolívar.
  • Upon receipt of the communication from Grupo Bolivar S.A., the corresponding disposal shall begin and we will keep the market informed accordingly.
  • We would like to express our gratitude to Grupo Bolivar for a partnership spanning more than 11 years that has allowed us to grow and consolidate Sura Asset Management S.A. as a leading player in the region´s savings and investment sector as well as one of the SURA Business Group´s strategic companies, through which we have helped millions of people to attain their dreams and goals.