Juan David Escobar

Since 2016, Juan David has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Seguros SURA Colombia, which consists of the following insurance subsidiaries: Voluntary Insurance (Seguros SURA), Mandatory Insurance (EPS SURA – Health Care and ARL SURA Occupational Health and Safety), Healthcare Service Providers (IPS SURA Health Care and Ayudas Diagnósticas SURA  Diagnostic Aids), as well as another subsidiary providing its advisory services and technical assistance (Consultoría en Gestión de Riesgos). With this portfolio, Seguros Sura is Suramericana’s main subsidiary in Latin America. 

Juan David holds a degree in Systems Engineering from the Universidad Eafit, as well as a Specialization in eBusiness from the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), where he also completed a Master’s in Administration. He also holds a Master’s degree in Actuarial Sciences (Georgia State University), and has pursued studies in Senior Management (Kellogg School of Management) and Digital Transformation (University of Virginia), in the United States, this among other management courses including project management. 

Juan David joined the Company in 1991 as a university intern and has spent his entire professional career here serving in different positions, including Head of Car Insurance, Actuarial Manager and Chief Insurance Officer, among others. 

Under his leadership, the Company has diversified its portfolio of solutions and transformed its operating model towards positioning itself as a trend and risk manager, developing new markets throughout the country and maintaining the largest share of the Colombian insurance market. 

He has served as a member of different boards of directors in the business and social sector. As of 2024, he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Bancolombia, one of Grupo SURA´s  portfolio investments.

Foto de Juan David Escobar

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