Juan Luis Munera Gomez

Mr. Munera graduated with a degree in Law as well as a specialization in Commercial Law from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and has earned a Master’s Degree in Comparative Legislation from the University of San Diego in California, United States (on a Fulbright Scholarship). He has studied corporate governance and strategy at Harvard University, U.C. Berkeley, and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business. Most of his professional career has been spent at Bancolombia and as Chief Legal Affairs and Sustainability Officer at Cementos Argos.

Since August 2017, he has held the position of Chief Corporate Legal Affairs Officer and Company Secretary at Grupo SURA. His main functions are to define and draw up legal and corporate governance guidelines for the Business Group, to legally direct activities and projects in order to protect the reputation and integrity of the Business Group as well as implement a compliance culture that facilitates decision-making based on the Company’s strategic objectives.

Foto de Juan Luis Munera Gomez

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