Maria Ximena Lombana Villalba

Having earned a degree in Law from the Universidad del Rosario, Ms. Lombana went on to obtain a Master’s Degree in Commercial Law from the University of Paris II – Pantheon – Assas Paris, France as well as a Master’s Degree in International Business Law from Washington College of Law, American University, Washington, D.C., USA. She has served as the Colombian Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (June 2021 – August 2022); Manager of the IDB – ANDJE Executive Unit of the National Agency for the Legal Defense of the State (January 2021 – April 2021); Manager of the IDB – PGN Executive Unit of the Office of the Attorney General of Colombia (July 2019 – December 2020); a consultant for the  IDB – PGN Executive Unit of the Office of the Attorney General of Colombia (January 2019-June 2019); a Partner of the law firm Lombana Villalba Abogados (August 2016 – June 2018); Minister Plenipotentiary with the Colombian Embassy in Madrid, Spain (January 2014-July 2015); a Partner at the law firm Cremades & Calvo Sotelo (January 2006 – December 2014); Minister Plenipotentiary with the Colombian Embassy in  Paris, France (March 2003 – October 2005); Secretary General of the Banco de Comercio Exterior de Colombia – Bancóldex S.A. (January 2000 – January 2003); First Secretary with the Colombian Mission to the United Nations (June 1998 – September 1999); Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior (May 1997 – June 1999) and; Researcher at the legal department of the Organization of American States (January 1997 – May 1997).

She was a professor of Corporate Law for both the undergraduate program of Law at the Universidad del Rosario (January 2000 – June 2010) and for the Specialization program in Commercial Law at the Universidad de la Sabana (June 2006 – June 2007).  She currently serves as a List A Arbitrator with the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (Commercial Law and Administrative Law) since January 2006.

Foto de Maria Ximena Lombana Villalba

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