Paula Cecilia Villegas Hincapie

She is a social communicator from Pontificia Bolivariana University and holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts from the National University (Medellin, Colombia). She completed a master’s program in Research and Creation in Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) and holds an advanced studies diploma (DEA) in Contemporary Art History from the University of Salamanca (Spain). Additionally, she is a doctoral candidate in Art at the University of Antioquia (Medellin, Colombia). Her research and creative interests have been linked to various fields of audiovisual arts and Latin American non-fiction creation.

Since February 2022, she has taken on the role of Communications and Corporate Identity Manager for the Company. She is responsible for the strategic management and promotion of brand guidelines, corporate relations with stakeholders, organizational communication, and the reputational consolidation of the Company.

Previously, she served as Deputy Director of the Arts, Manager of Audiovisual Arts, and Director of the Cinemateca de Bogotá, during her affiliation with the District Institute of the Arts (Idartes, Bogotá). She also worked as an advisor to the Communication Directorate of the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, focusing on the creation, training, and circulation of non-fiction cultural content. Additionally, she was the Coordinator of the Creation of Projects and Content area at the Ático Center of the Javeriana University.

Foto de Paula Cecilia Villegas Hincapie

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