Relevant Events
January 2025
Notice calling for the Annual Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Country Code Survey Relevant information
Board Decisions Relevant information
Tender Offer for international notes due 2026 Relevant information
December 2024
Amendment to a Material Agreement which was previously announced to the market Relevant information
Signing of a Material Agreement Relevant information
November 2024
Significant changes to the Company´s shareholder structure Relevant information
October 2024
Notice calling for an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Liquidity Builder Program Relevant information
Significant changes to the Company´s shareholder structure Relevant information
September 2024
Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Relevant information
August 2024
Decisions Made By The Shareholders At Their Extraordinary Meeting Relevant information
Upcoming Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Relevant information
Notices Published by the Company Relevant information
June 2024
Grupo SURA´s New Chief Corporate Finance Officer Relevant information
May 2024
April 2024
Grupo SURA has appointed a new Chief Executive Officer Relevant information
Year-end report Relevant information
Board of Directors Appointments for the Period 2024 - 2026 Relevant information
March 2024
Signing of a material financing agreement on the part of the subsidiary SURA AM Relevant information
Decisions Adopted at the Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Signing of material financial agreements Relevant information
Significant changes to the structure of the Issuer´s shareholder structure Relevant information
February 2024
Signing of a material financing agreement on the part of its subsidiary SURA AM Relevant information
Board Decisions Approval of the Profit Distribution Proposal Relevant information
Notice calling for the Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Board Member Resignation Relevant information
Board Member Resignations Relevant information
The Signing of an Agreement Addendum No. 3 to Agreement signed June 15, 2023 Relevant information
January 2024
Country Code (“Código País”) Survey Relevant information
Board Decisions Relevant information
Decision Adopted at the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Adjourned Relevant information
Call for an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
December 2023
The Signing of an Agreement Addendum No. 2 to Agreement signed June 15, 2023 Relevant information
The Signing of an Agreement Addendum to Agreement signed June 15, 2023 Relevant information
Call for an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
November 2023
Definite subscription of a Share Purchase Agreement Relevant information
Decisions Made by the Shareholders at Their Extraordinary Meeting Relevant information
Call for an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
October 2023
Acquisition of the Issuer´s securities by a member of the board of directors Relevant information
September 2023
August 2023
Board of Director Decisions Relevant information
June 2023
Board of Director Decisions Relevant information
Execution of a Material Agreement Relevant information
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
May 2023
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
April 2023
Decision made at an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on second call Relevant information
Resolution issued by the Colombian Superintendency of Finance. Relevant information
March 2023
Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting - 7:55 am Relevant information
Annual Ordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting – 8:00 AM Relevant information
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
February 2023
Board of Director Decisions Relevant information
Notice of a Meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
Call for an Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
January 2023
Country Code Survey Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
December 2022
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
A New Subsidiary Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
November 2022
Control status with respect to the pension fund management firm Protección S.A. Relevant information
Elected Board of Directors for the period November 22, 2022 to March 31, 2024 Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
Announcements published by the Company Relevant information
Announcements previously published by the Company Relevant information
Board Resignations Santiago Cuartas Tamayo and Pablo Londoño Mejía Relevant information
Board Resignations Relevant information
Statement on the information published in the media. Relevant information
October 2022
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Decisions Adopted at an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
September 2022
Board of Director Decisions - New Appointments Relevant information
A New Subsidiary Relevant information
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
A New Subsidiary Relevant information
August 2022
Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting August 24, 2022* Relevant information
Investment made in other companies Relevant information
July 2022
Board Decision Relevant information
June 2022
Decisions made at an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
Decisions made at an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
Decisions Adopted at an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Board of Director Resignations Relevant information
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Decisions adopted at an extraordinary shareholders´ meeting Relevant information
Call for an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
May 2022
Execution of an amendment to the Company’s By-Laws. Relevant information
April 2022
Decisions made at an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders ́ Meeting Relevant information
Call for Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
Resolution issued by the Colombian Superintendency of Finance. Relevant information
March 2022
Decisions adopted at the annual shareholders meeting Relevant information
Divestiture of two Argentinian Companies Relevant information
February 2022
Amendment to the Company’s Code of Good Governance Relevant information
Notice of the Annual Shareholders Meeting Relevant information
Call for the Annual Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
Changes in the Company´s Legal Representation Relevant information
Notice of an Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting. * Relevant information
January 2022
Country Code Survey* Relevant information
Board Decisions* Relevant information
December 2021
A New Subsidiary Relevant information
November 2021
Call for an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Relevant information
Company Notice Relevant information
Company Announcement Relevant information
September 2021
Investment in a new Company, VAXTHERA ZON A FRANCA S.A.S Relevant information
August 2021
Resultados financieros segundo trimestre 2021 Relevant information
July 2021
Change in the International Credit Rating Issued by Fitch Ratings Relevant information
June 2021
Investment made in the company, Vaccigen S.A.S. Relevant information
STOCK REPURCHASES Relevant information
A New Subsidiary Relevant information
May 2021
Change in the Company’s International Credit Rating awarded by S&P Ratings Relevant information
Financial results first quarter 2021 Relevant information
April 2021
Proposed distributions of profits Relevant information
Projected Share Repurchase Transactions are due to begine Relevant information
Stock Purchases - Board of Directors decision Relevant information
March 2021
Decisions adopted at the Annual Shareholders Meeting date Relevant information
Distribution of Profits - Approved Relevant information
Reminder of the upcoming Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Change in the International Credit Rating awarded by Fitch Ratings Relevant information
February 2021
Notice of Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Approval of notice of Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Officer Responsible for Providing Relevant Information Relevant information
January 2021
Survey Codigo Pais 2020 Relevant information
Calling General Assembly of Shareholders to an Ordinary Meeting Relevant information
December 2020
New Subsidiary - SURA IM Gestora México Relevant information
November 2020
Financial results third quarter 2020 Relevant information
October 2020
Information on the resignation of Tatyana Maria Orozco De La Cruz Relevant information
September 2020
Clarification of Information Published in the Media Relevant information
August 2020
Financial results second quarter 2020 Relevant information
Issue of Ordinary Bonds Relevant information
Offering memorandum Relevant information
July 2020
Closing of Recent Acquisition Relevant information
June 2020
Signing of a Share Purchase Agreement - Suramericana Uruguay Relevant information
A New subsidiary AM SURA SICAV Relevant information
May 2020
Company´s Legal Representative for Judicial and Administrative Matters appointment Relevant information
Financial results first quarter 2020 Relevant information
The assignment of the annuity portfolio in Mexico Relevant information
April 2020
Board Appointments Relevant information
New subsidiary NBM Innova S.A.S Relevant information
Formalization of the Company´s By-Laws Relevant information
Message To Grupo SURA’s Shareholders And Investors Relevant information
March 2020
Decisions adopted at the Annual Shareholders Meeting Relevant information
Approved amendments to the Corporate By-laws Relevant information
Appointment Board of Directors and External Auditing firm Relevant information
New Subsidiary - Proyectos Empresariales AI Sura, S.A. de C.V. Relevant information
Stock repurchases Relevant information
Proposed of distribution of profits 2020 - Approved Relevant information
New special measures for our upcoming Ordinary Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
New CEO for Suramericana S.A. Relevant information
February 2020
Financial results fourth quarter 2019 Relevant information
Notices Published By The Company - General Assembly of Shareholders Agenda Relevant information
Calling for the Company's Annual Shareholder Relevant information
Board decisions - Repurchasing the Company's own shares Relevant information
January 2020
Survey Codigo Pais 2019 Relevant information
David Bojanini, CEO of Grupo SURA presented his resignation Relevant information
Board decision: raising of the Program for Ordinary Bonds Relevant information
Notice of call to the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
December 2019
Divestiture Relevant information
November 2019
Contract completion Relevant information
October 2019
Subsidiary’s relevant announcement Relevant information
August 2019
July 2019
New Retirement Fund Investment Companies Relevant information
June 2019
Notices published by the Company Relevant information
Board of Directors Decisions – Legal Representation Relevant information
May 2019
Financial results first quarter 2019 Relevant information
April 2019
Amendment to Corporate By-laws Relevant information
Formalization of Amendments to the Company´s By-Laws Relevant information
Financial results fourth quarter 2018 Relevant information
Update on the change in the shareholder base of SURA Asset Management Relevant information
March 2019
Divestiture of a line of business Relevant information
Divestiture of a line of business Relevant information
Proposed distribution of profits - To approve Relevant information
Financial Results fourth quarter 2018 Relevant information
Proposed Amendments to the Company’s Corporate By-Laws Relevant information
Board decisions Relevant information
February 2019
Notice of Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Board Decisions Relevant information
Survey Código País 2018 Relevant information
August 2018
Merger Relevant information
Formal Registration of Public Deed of Merger Relevant information
Public Merger Deed Relevant information
Merger Between Subsidiaries Relevant information
July 2018
Director’s shares selling authorization Relevant information
Authorization of Merger Relevant information
Update on the selling transaction agreed Relevant information
Merger Between Subsidiaries Relevant information
June 2018
Financial results first quarter 2018 Relevant information
Corporate Governance Code Relevant information
Setting up new subsidiary Relevant information
Merger Between Subsidiaries Relevant information
Board Appointments Relevant information
Appointment Board of Directors Relevant information
Proposed distribution of profits - Approved Relevant information
Setting up a new subsidiary Relevant information
Proposed distributions of profits Relevant information
Financial Results fourth quarter 2017 Relevant information
Decisions adopted at the Annual Shareholders Meeting Relevant information
Divestiture of a line of business Relevant information
Board decisions Relevant information
Survey Código País Relevant information
Notice of Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
December 2017
Updating of Existing Accounting Policies Relevant information
November 2017
Fitch Ratings technical report Relevant information
Financial Results third quarter 2017 Relevant information
Corporate Reorganization Relevant information
Divestiture of Peruvian Subsidiaries (continued) Relevant information
October 2017
Completed Divestiture of Peruvian Subsidiaries Relevant information
September 2017
Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee Relevant information
August 2017
Incorporation of a Subsidiary Relevant information
June 2017
Appointment of General Counsel Relevant information
Divestiture Sura AM Relevant information
May 2017
Financial Results first quarter 2017 Relevant information
April 2017
Distribution of profits approved by the General Assembly of Shareholders Relevant information
Notices Published by the Company Relevant information
Decisions adopted at the Annual Shareholders Meeting 2017 Relevant information
Appointment of a New Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Relevant information
March 2017
Payment instructions for dividends corresponding to fiscal year of 2016 Relevant information
Proposed Dividend Distribution Relevant information
Board Decisions Relevant information
February 2017
Financial results - fourth quarter 2016 Relevant information
Proposed Distribution of Profits Relevant information
Board Decisions Relevant information
Placement of Ordinary Bonds Relevant information
Notice of Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Survey Código País Relevant information
January 2017
Notice of Annual Shareholders General Meeting Relevant information
Resignation of Legal Representative Relevant information
Re-publication of 2015 Interim Financial Statements Relevant information
November 2016
3Q 2016 Financial Results Relevant information
October 2016
Improper use of “Inversiones Suramericana” Relevant information
August 2016
Second quarter 2016 Financial Report Relevant information
Completion of the Seguros Sura merger in Colombia Relevant information
July 2016
Resignation of Judicial Legal Representative Relevant information
RSA Uruguay Acquisition Relevant information
June 2016
Authorization for the acquisition of RSA Uruguay Relevant information
Control Status Update Relevant information
Closing RSA acquisition in Mexico Relevant information
May 2016
Quarterly Report 1Q 2016 Relevant information
Prospectus Bond Issuance Suramericana S.A. Relevant information
Authorization RSA acquisition México Relevant information
Closing RSA acquisition in Argentina and Chile Relevant information
April 2016
Board Appointments Relevant information
Bonds Issuance Relevant information
Authorization RSA acquisition Argentina and Chile Relevant information
Decision of Board of Directors Relevant information
Appointment of CFO Relevant information
Appointment of External Auditing firm Relevant information
Appointment Board of Directors Relevant information
Decisions taken at the Annual Shareholders Meeting Relevant information
Completion of RSA Colombia acquisition Relevant information
Ordinary Bonds placement Relevant information
March 2016
Fines or penalties imposed by government entities Relevant information
Share Purchase Relevant information
Clarification regarding the setting up of a new subsidiary Relevant information
Closing of the acquisition of Royal & Sun Alliance Seguros (Brasil) S.A. Relevant information
Notice of an Annual Shareholders´ Meeting Relevant information
Loan Agreement Relevant information
Financial results - fourth quarter 2015 Relevant information
February 2016
Board Decisions Relevant information
Director Resignation Relevant information
Authorization for loan transactions Relevant information
Incorporation of a Subsidiary Relevant information
Call Option Agreement Relevant information
Código País Relevant information
Corporate Governance Code Relevant information
Incorporation of Subsidiaries Relevant information
Quarterly Report 3Q 2015 Relevant information
Closing of Transaction JPM Relevant information
2Q 2015 Financial Results Relevant information
Financial Situations of Grupo SURA Relevant information
Formalization of SURA Panama merger Relevant information
News media Relevant information
Decision of the Board of Directors Sep.14th 2015 Relevant information
Agreement for the acquisition of RSA insurance assets in Latin America Relevant information
Closing of Seguros Banistmo Acquisition Relevant information
March 2015
Newly Appointed Board of Directors Relevant information
March 2014
Appointment of the Board Relevant information
March 2013
Appointment of the Board 2013 Relevant information
Resource Center
Material Information
- Disposal of Companies from SURA Asset Management May 2017
- Approval for the Updated of the Issuance and Placement Rules and Regulations to the Preferred Shares 2011 - 2017
- Material Information 16-Dec-2010
- Material Information 11-May-2011
- Material Information 30-Mar-2011
- Material Information 04-May-2011
- Material Information 25-Nov-2009
- Material Information 04-Mar-2014
- Material Information 31-Mar-2017
- Material Information 31-Mar-2017 - 2
- Material information 09-Mar-2017

Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2025
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