Environmental commitment

Environmental commitment

We acknowledge the importance of joining forces to take care of the environment and of developing strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change, pivotal for sustainability.

Our environmental commitment

As investors, we are aware that we are responsible for enhancing corporate dynamics that respect our surroundings, with a long-term vision that meets the expectations of our stakeholders.

Fundamentals of our commitment
  • To promote among the companies of our portfolio the adoption of environmentally-friendly practices, the compliance with regulations and the adoption of the precautionary principle.
  • To regularly analyze the environmental performance of our strategic investments.
  • To adopt environmental criteria in our suppliers’ selection process and in the activities related to our operations.
  • To consider environmental aspects and impacts when analyzing investments projects and business developments.
  • To create settings for disclosure and knowledge which enhance a culture to care for resources.
  • To participate in alliances aimed to the investigation, development and use of technologies that favor the protection and care of the environment.
Eco-efficiency KPI

As investor, Grupo SURA has the responsibility to strengthen business dynamics that respect the environment, with a long-term vision that meets our stakeholder’s expectations:

Consolidated Environmental Management Indicators

Investor Kit

Download our investor kit, a tool that allows you to know in detail the main figures of our company.

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