Financial education

Financial education

We encourage the knowledge and development of skills to make decisions and acquisitions of financial products in a responsible manner.

Inclusion and Financial Education

Encouraging knowledge and the development of personal skills to make decisions and acquisitions of financial products in a responsible manner gives way to enhance regional development and to maximize the economic and social value of our affiliates.

Suramericana (Seguros SURA) and SURA Asset Management have developed models to provide services, protection and education to financial consumers. Said models focus on granting information and tools to better understand the products offered and hence, to better understand the financial system and the compliance of the regulations in force to meet customer and user requirements. Likewise, both companies have increased their participation in their sectors and have contributed to increase the access rates and the effective use of formal financial products.

The above has involved the development of innovative solutions focused on inclusion and adapted to different needs in terms of segments served, market expansion, processes and channels.

The foregoing underlines our commitment to promote the well-being and competitiveness of individuals and businesses through programs and solutions.

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